Good afternoon from the Homestead! We had such a productive week and weekend! It is so helpful having 3 boys that can actually help us! It has been such a journey to get to this point. What a blessing!
Ryker is now able to handle inventory on his own. He counts all the beeswax products for us so we know what we need to have made before our next market. He loves being a helper!
Jagger and Ryker are spending lots of time practicing shooting their bows. Jagger almost got a bullseye from 31 ft away from the target. We thought it was under 25 ft.. and that’s how we broke daddy’s good tape measure… We learned a valuable lesson that day. LOL
We were blessed by many friends and family members buying popcorn fromJagger for his Summer Camp fund raiser! This isn’t all of it, because we couldn’t fit him and all the popcorn in the picture.
We got 3 surprises on Friday morning. We’re pretty sure the smallest triplet is smaller than any other lambs we’ve had in the past. Doll (the mom) has rejected 2 of the 3 lambs, which means we are bottle feeding again. We’re not sure if the littlest one will make it, but we are trying hard to get her strong! We are keeping the 2 rejected lambs under a heat lamp. They have shown improvement ever since we warmed them up.
We had our regular farmers market on Saturday. LJ had to help our neighbor and Jagger had baseball practice and was scheduled to help with another fund raiser for camp. My mom and Ryker joined me at the market again. I’m so thankful for the help and the company!
Saturday was also our butcher day for our broilers. We got a much later start than normal, but it worked out really well. That is only because we have the BEST extended family!! I have no pictures of this process because we are all more focused on getting the job done. One of these days, I’ll remember!
Our animals started having their best days on Monday! Mary and the 4 piglets are back on pasture! The sheep are enjoying the green grass in our temporary fence. And finally, our newest layers are out of the brooders and into their chicken tractor. What a beautiful day!
Thanks for taking the time to check out our post! We are thankful for each of you!!
Have a blessed day!
Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.